
Videos being produced for the new Makin Windermere organ

Monday 20th November was a very special day when Shea Lolin attended the ChurchOrganWorld showroom in Shaw, Lancashire to make a video of Professor Ian Tracey playing the new Makin Windermere 3-53 Drawstop organ. We are thoroughly looking forward to receiving the videos shortly and then sharing them with customers. In addition to recording some rather nice organ pieces, Ian did his renowned ‘talk to camera’ whilst he demonstrated the organ specification, its sounds, colours and how it all fits together to make the perfect English three manual organ for church and home use.

Shea commented “One incredible recording session finished with the polymath Professor Ian Tracey - what incredible playing along with quick witted humour! The consummate professional.” Vera van de Krol, from the Global Organ Group came over from Ede to see the process and was astonished at how quickly and smoothly the session went with Ian.

The new Makin range includes the Rydal 2-25, Thirlmere 2-36, Windermere 3-53 and Derwent 4-68 which will shortly be arriving in dealer showrooms world-wide.